根据录音整理:Dechen Pemba (英文) 朱瑞(英译汉)
所以,无论印度军队在这里还是那里,公众都从没有恐惧。有时,当地的印度穷人甚至要求参军,成为一个印度士兵,或者印度警察。这是真正的自由,内心没有恐惧。我们是人,伟大的中国人也是人,是勤劳勇敢的人。但中国的传统是服从当权者,即使有时候当权者的话是错误的,人们仍然习惯地说:是、是、是。这是不对的!有一回Jonathan Mirsky问我,为什么中国政府这么挑剔你?这是很多年前的事了,80年代吧,我说因为我不喜欢说“是的,大人!”
Around six million people live in Tibet and I think they are facing a constant threat. If others, such as our Chinese brothers and sisters are gaining benefit from this, then from one point of view it’s ok, a kind of sacrifice.
The initial reaction of Chinese people is usually of too much emotion based on the Chinese government propaganda last year about Tibet. Usually though, things become clear and when Chinese people hear about the true situation in Tibet, it makes them feel really uncomfortable. Many have come to see me to express an apology.
And more importantly, when you think about China, it is an ancient nation, dignified, gaining more importance. Eventually it should become a superpower, it deserves this as it’s a most populous nation and the people are very hard working, with a long history. In order to become a super power and to gain respect from the rest of the world and trust, it’s very essential. Look at the Soviet Union, it had a lot of power, even nuclear power and almost became a super power but that super power brings more fear. Isn’t it? During the Cold War I had a few occasions to visit the German border with East Germany and once I spent one night in that area. At this time I also shared the fear of the local people! Fear! So I wish, and all the Chinese people too I think…that super power must ……
So therefore, the People’s Republic of China’s policy regarding Tibet
Today, many nations you can see are offering appeasement and praising China because of the economy. You see this is actually hypocrisy! Deep inside it is still a totalitarian system with no freedom of speech, no freedom of thought, no freedom of religious belief, that’s not acceptable. In the meantime they also hide these things and then show them some positive signs so I think this is hypocrisy. I think Chinese people also know that respect and friendship from the rest of the world …… is much better
So therefore I really feel that the Tibetan issue and also, as Rinpoche mentioned, the Xinjiang issue, these things I think are things very much to do with the future of all the people in China. On the one hand, returning to the Motherland is good but on the other hand also I feel there is something uncomfortable, some fear, uncertainty. Yes, I see some smiles there but what is behind there (!) Of course, this one China idea is good but at the same time, deep inside there is a lot of fear. And then again I spent 50 years in India. The officials and some Indian businessmen they give a smile but underneath there is some kind of suspicion, distance. Not because the Chinese people are bad, no, it’s the system. I think the general Marxist socialist system and regarding minorities are written in the constitution and their autonomy laws are really carried sincerely. Recently I met some Chinese students, their view is that in China there is still a lot of work to do so for them, the development of the economy is more important than political freedom. So they said that under these circumstances maybe a centralized system of government is better. I told them to look at India, over a billion population, look at east India, north, south, west, different scripts, and different languages. In some cases, people in south India refuse to learn Hindi. Some even refuse the Indian national anthem. But in all, it’s a genuine union because it’s a democracy, freedom of speech, independent judiciary.
So when Indian military convoys go here and there, the public never show fear. Sometimes the local poor Indians even say that they want to join the army, become an Indian soldier, and Indian police also. So this is real freedom, no rule of fear. We are human beings; the great Chinese people also are human beings, hard working people. I think it’s the Chinese tradition is to obey leadership. Even if they say something wrong they still say yes yes yes yes, I think this is wrong. One time Jonathan Mirsky asked me why is the Chinese government so critical of you? This was many years ago in the 1980s. I said it’s because I am not acting like “yes, Minister”.
So the Chinese people also, I think they enjoy freedom of speech, freedom of thought. I think in the last 60 years, if the Chinese people had the opportunity to utilize ones own creative nature, I think China may have developed more advanced in the science field and the technological field. Centralized means not letting people individuals think creatively. So therefore the Tibetan issue from the viewpoint of all is in the interests of the long future of the People’s Republic of China.
Some Chinese brothers and sisters actually expressed their wish that Tibetans eventually can have more freedom in China. Anyway the present situation with Tibet, and also with Xinjiang as well, and I also I think with many Mongolians although it may be a smaller number, is in crisis and there’s no room to carry on superficially. I think this is something very important? Why? As I mentioned earlier, there is a crisis. The implications of that crisis affect the future of China. So now unfortunately, among the top leadership, there is the interest of how to hold power and not how to act in the interest of all of China. That’s unfortunate. However, government is government, people is people. Since last year’s crisis I openly told the west that our faith in the government, the Communist government is growing thinner and thinner but our faith in the Chinese people is never shaken. So since then in every location I try to meet Chinese brothers and sisters, mainly intellectuals. Now all those we are meeting, they may not have much influence with the Chinese government. And in the worst case there are already some signs that this meeting has caused some movement of protest from the Chinese, as being opposed to the Communist Party or in any case some kind of conspiracy from the Kashag, I think they look negatively. But I think that we should at this meeting we should discuss and firstly create a positive atmosphere amongst Chinese intellectuals and eventually the Chinese people and secondly find our mutual ground. We should become more responsible and I’d like to hear more suggestions about what we should do to solve this problem. So I’m waiting to hear some ideas and suggestions. Including some constructive criticism, this is very essential.
As Professor Samdhong Rinpoche mentioned, despite the setbacks, we are ready, as soon as some signal comes from the Chinese government, to continue the dialogue. So criticism, new ideas and suggestions are most welcome. So this is the main purpose of the meeting. And although I am leaving tomorrow I am looking forward to hear the results of your discussions for three days and am looking forward to some concrete ideas, whether we implement them now or not it doesn't matter but some concrete ideas.
So we are passing through a difficult period. So I think basically as we are human beings, one good thing is that if there are more difficulties and challenges, we should not see this as something bad. More challenges is the best opportunity to show inner strength, mainly intelligence and wisdom. I’m just another human being, nothing special. In the last sixty years, a lot of challenges, insecurities, of course a little anxiety but generally more challenges, more determination. And recently I met some Tibetans from Tibet, they expressed the same things. Things become more difficult but their determination, their spirit becomes more firm. So I think there is potential, we have to show determination and make more effort. Then there is the Tibetan saying, nine times fail, nine times effort. So we had the first meeting but then one more passed, then one more passed (laughs). Sometimes some young Chinese and sometimes other nationalities, just after Tiananmen, very fresh, at that time there was great pressure. I told them we are refugees so we have already 30 years more experience. It’s important to keep up our determination and continue the effort. I told them it’s unrealistic to expect something to happen soon.
That is what I want to share with you, in spite of difficulties or obstacles, our determination, for a just cause and for the larger benefit to larger number of people; it’s something very sacred so please keep.