歷史上,探索民心的歸向是一項重要課題。達賴喇嘛尊者多次表示,“雖然對中國政府沒有足夠的信心,但對中國人民卻信心十足”。儘管一些媒體報導,中國極端的民族主義者們,支援包括西藏在內的一個中國,但是,由中國知識分子、藝術家,農民,學生等起草和簽名的“ 08憲章”,卻呼籲在中國實施聯幫制,人權,法制,和自由,並結束一黨專制的獨裁統治。為此,達賴喇嘛尊者在12月12日發表聲明,給予稱讚和鼓勵。
His Holiness the Dalai Lama reaching out to Chinese people
(Dharamshala: TibetPost-30-12-2008) - His Holiness the Dalai Lama met with Zhu Rui today, a Chinese writer, to answer questions regarding Tibetan relations with China. This meeting is in line with a policy His Holiness laid out before the EP in December to personally meet and understand better the Chinese people and the popular sentiment in China.
Measuring popular sentiment is an important exercise at this point in history. His Holiness has said on many occasions that he has “no confidence in the Chinese government, but lots of confidence in the Chinese people”. However, there have been reports of some Chinese nationalists that seem to be coming out in favor of a China which includes Tibet. This stands in contrast against the recent “Chinese Charter 2008”, a proposal put forth by Chinese intellectuals, artists, and other prominent Chinese figures that makes the argument for provincial autonomy, human rights ,an independent legal system, the freedom of association, and ending the monopoly of China’s one party rule. It is a call for reform that H.H. the Dalai Lama referred to as “admirable.”
The discussion included talks of the possibility of H.H the Dalai Lama. Visiting Taiwan in light of a renewed warming of relations between Taipei and Beijing, also discussed the increasing value of Tibetan natural resources to a China quickly running short of its own. The discussion moved on to talks of the ongoing probability of Tibetan autonomy in the face of negative attitudes by the Chinese government. These are exemplified by official Chinese delegations being sent to Europe and North America to teach a uniquely Chinese version of Tibetan history and current Tibetan issues. Ironically, the Chinese government has always faulted H.H. the Dalai Lama for exporting local issues to the world stage.
The Tibet Post International eagerly awaits the up-coming article by Zhu Rui in which she describes in greater detail what has been her second meeting with His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Chinese writer, Ms Zhu Rui had worked in Tibet as a journalist and editor, but is now based in Canada. Most of her articles focus on Tibet. She recently sent an ‘Open Letter’ To H.H. the Dalai Lama, available on this site. Zhu Rui keeps a blog, (http://zhu-ruiblog.blogspot.com) and has written some novels, short stories, poetry, and essays, all published in Chinese, some of which have been translated in English.
Article compiled by John Uyeno, contributing writer to Tibet Post International
modified 31 December