


1,關於Micheal Craig

《明報》說“大赦國際多倫多分部的中國觀察員克雷格(Micheal Craig)等人將在近日召開新聞會,力挺盛雪不是中國間諜……”

其實,二月初,我就听到了這個消息,於是,我給大赦國際多倫多分部打電話,請求與“中國觀察員克雷格(Micheal Craig)”說話,想告訴他,不要把所有質疑盛雪的人都歸為中共背景。比如我,就是以真名實姓闡述一切的,並願意承擔法律責任。但是,大赦國際回答我:“Micheal Craig不在,他只是一個義工,我們專門有一位中國觀察員Ms. Gloria Nafziger.”

後來,我與Gloria Nafziger通了話,她說,Micheal Craig已告訴了她這件事,但是,Micheal Craig只是一個義工,他的一切行為只代表他自己,不代表大赦國際。這次通話後,我給Gloria Nafziger寫了一封信。(見附文)

今天(2016年3月1日),我再次與大赦國際中國觀察員Gloria Nafziger通了話,並求證《明報》的報導對Micheal Craig是否正確。她毫不猶豫地說,《明報》的信息是錯誤的。我說,那我將發表文章澄清此事, 她同意。




《明報》誇張地在標題上就指出,那個指控盛雪是“特務”的張向陽“出動祼照”,但沒有提供證據。只是說,張向陽在推特上助推了一個名為「劉劭夫」發布的裸照,但並沒有解釋,這個推號並不是真劉劭夫先生的推號,儘管劉先生早已聲明過了(見附加檔) 。那麼,為什麼明報還要移花接木,幫助盛雪栽贓陷害無辜?

《明報》這篇文章的錯誤信息實在太多。而人所共知,《明報》所具有的明顯背景和色彩。 《明報》這兩篇關於盛雪的文章( 另一篇發表於2016年2月21日),論據有誤,誤導讀者轉移視線。把質疑盛雪的人武斷打成“特務”,從而,使盛雪逃避回答公眾的質疑。 《明報》應就此文的失實作出調查處理與公開說明、並清除流弊。

附:我写给大赦国际中国观察员 Ms. Gloria Nafziger 的信:

February 9, 2016

Ms. Gloria Nafziger
1992 Yonge St., Toronto,
 ON M4S 1Z7

Dear Gloria Nafziger:

Thank you for your time today when we spoke by telephone concerning Michael Craig’s support of Chinese Canadian political activist and self-termed writer, Sheng Xue(also known as Zang Xihong). 

Her situation is very politically complex and the truth is not at all obvious as she is very skilled at deception. The following facts speak for themselves and warrant further investigation by AITO:

Ø  Her role in the process of verifying the refugee status of prospective Chinese refugees to Canada. Through her influence many corrupt Chinese government officials and business people have been allowed to enter Canada. One of the most notorious individuals that she assisted is Lai Changxing who was deported in 2011. 

Ø  She does fundraising supposedly for the Democratic Movement and for the Tibetan cause (using the Dalai Lama’s name); however, there are no accurate financial accounts of the funds. cf.   The Black Hole of the Chinese Democratic Movement. Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1072423697

Ø  She misrepresents journalistic work as her own instead of citing those who collaborated. One example is Masthead news archives- May 29, 2001(authors of the Maclean’s report “The Smuggler’s Slaves”- Tom Fennell and Sheng Xue.) http://www.mastheadonline.com/archives/2001/200105.shtml One needs to contrast that description with her own version of the authorship in the January 22, 2009 Edition of Daily News McMaster University: http://dailynews.mcmaster.ca/article/mcmaster-welcomes-new-international-writer-in-residence/

There are many more examples of the ways she has attempted to undermine Canadian government institutions, universities, and literary organizations. All of this information is available online. I would be able to supply the links, articles, and publications upon request. 

Thank you again for your interest. 

Rui Zhu

