


克劳斯亲王奖得主为茨仁唯色呼吁: “允许唯色的言论和旅行自由”






阿里夫·哈桑(Arif Hasan) (卡拉奇,巴基斯坦)

加尼甚·德维(Ganesh Devy)(巴罗达,印度)

吉奥廷泽·耆那(Jyotindra Jain)(新德里,印度)

凯纳克·摩尼·迪克西特(Kanak Mani Dixit)(加德满都,尼泊尔)

默哈德·奥斯科威(Mehrdad Oskouei)(德黑兰,伊朗)

联系人:凯纳克·摩尼·迪克西特(Kanak Mani Dixit)
+977-9851053209, dixitkanak@yahoo.com

'Allow Woeser the freedom to express and to travel'
As individuals from Asia who have received the Prince Claus Award in past years, we deeply regret that Tsering Woeser, the Tibetan writer and historian, has been prevented from receiving the Prince Claus Award for 2011 in Beijing by the Chinese authorities. Not only was Woeser denied the opportunity to receive the award from the Dutch Ambassador to China, her movements within Beijing have been restricted.
The Prince Claus Award for 2011 was given to Woeser as a ‘cultural pioneer’ who uses poetry and social media to highlight the challenges faced by the Tibetan people. She was recognised for speaking on behalf of “those who are silenced and oppressed, for her compelling combination of literary quality and political reportage, for recording, articulating and supporting Tibetan culture…”
We, five past recipients of the Prince Claus Award from Asia, believe that Tsering Woeser represents the finest ideals of the human spirit, represented in her intellectual independence and courage to speak out in the face of danger. We support Woeser’s yearning for open society and respect her all the more for remaining located in Beijing, in an attempt to bring about change from within. Woeser’s deep humanity is revealed in her recent appeal against the self-immolations that are occurring in and around Tibet.
We demand that the Chinese authorities in Beijing allow Woeser to receive the Prince Claus Award in an open ceremony. We also ask that the restrictions on her blogs and her poetry be lifted, as also restrictions on her freedom of travel inside and outside the country.
Signed by Prince Claus laureatesArif Hasan(Karachi, Pakistan), Ganesh Devy(Vadodara, India),Jyotindra Jain (New Delhi, India), Kanak Mani Dixit(Kathmandu, Nepal) and Mehrdad Oskouei (Tehran, Iran).
Issued in Kathmandu, 29 March 2012
Contact: Kanak Mani Dixit, +977-9851053209,dixitkanak@yahoo.com




Tsering Woeser (1966, Lhasa) is a courageous Tibetan writer, who offers unique perspectives on the complexities of Tibet today. The daughter of Communist Party members, her father an officer in the People’s Liberation Army, Woeser was educated, and writes, in Mandarin Chinese. Following literary studies, she was posted to Lhasa as editor of the journal Tibetan Literature and began to uncover her true heritage. In Tibet Above (1999), Woeser published poems exploring her Tibetan identity. Her next book, Notes on Tibet (2003), addressing cultural and political issues more directly and critically through portraits of Tibetan lives, was banned; she lost her job and all social benefits but resolved to use words as her weapon and to record Tibet’s past and present. Moving to the greater anonymity of Beijing, she used the internet to publish increasingly explicit commentaries on the arrest and torture of Tibetans – the appealing literary qualities of her writing conveying her message all the more effectively. Woeser’s concern with Tibetan culture continued in articles on contemporary painting, film and literature, and in groundbreaking books including Forbidden Memory: Tibet During the Cultural Revolution (2006), which combines her father’s photographs of the period with eyewitness accounts she gathered through interviews. During the mass demonstrations against Chinese rule and violent crackdown in 2008, Woeser’s blogs became the main source of information for the world. Relaying details from her contacts in Tibet, she posted daily reports on the protests, human rights abuses and extrajudicial killings. Woeser has undergone house arrest and harassment, her websites have been closed down, her movements are restricted and her life under constant surveillance, but she continues to write about Tibet from inside China. Woeser is honoured for her courage in speaking for those who are silenced and oppressed, for her compelling combination of literary quality and political reportage, for recording, articulating and supporting Tibetan culture, and for her active commitment to self-determination, freedom and development in Tibet.

【感谢中文译者傅春雨 @boattractor_cj。】



【消息】藏人作家唯色获2011年度荷兰克劳斯亲王奖 http://woeser.middle-way.net/2011/09/2011.html

克劳斯亲王奖:“给当今西藏的复杂性提供独特视角” http://woeser.middle-way.net/2011/09/blog-post_08.html

藏人作家唯色:“国际奖项保护了我” http://www.rnw.nl/chinese/article/563709



