
















對於西藏問題的認識,朱瑞女士說:“一位仍然生活在大陸的漢人作家說過,他支持西藏獨立,不為別的,就為了藏人身上那種強烈的民族意識;另一位長期居住在達蘭薩拉的英國人也說,‘面對資源越來越貧乏的中國,西藏問題的解決,似乎更加無望。不過,只要藏人能夠保持西藏的文化傳統,總在一天,西藏問題會解決,因為任何朝代都有崩潰的時候,沒有一個朝代是永遠的’。 我同意以上的說法。對我來說,我支持藏人自己的選擇。獨立也好,自治也好,那是他們的權力。而通向這個目的,目前看來,有兩條比較重要的途徑:第一,像尊者說的那樣,和中國民眾交流。現在,流亡社區裏的四個非官方性組織(西藏前政治犯九十三運動、西藏婦女會、西藏全國民主黨、自由西藏學生運動),已開始了聲援08憲章的活動,這也是和中國民眾進行交流的一個非常有效的方式。第二,保護西藏傳統文化,使藏民族永存。”



2009年1月6日 達蘭薩拉


朱瑞,女,生於中國東北。現居加拿大。出版過詩集、散文集,及若干中短篇小說,大部分作品以西藏為主題。2008年 3月西藏抗暴發生後,在網路上陸續發表了《藏人為何要抗議》、《軍隊、機槍和子彈,控制不了藏人的心》、《寫給某些中國人》、《迎請達賴喇嘛》、《極端的民族主義情緒,對漢藏兩族都不利》、《致尊者達賴喇嘛的信》、《但願當權者不要錯過良機》、《西藏的希望》、《專訪阿嘉活佛》、《專訪17世噶瑪巴法王》、《專訪西藏流亡政府教育部部長圖丹龍熱》、《到底是漢人》等文章。


Zhu Rui- - A Chinese Writer Who Dares to Face Tibetan Sufferings

By Dekyi

Before writing about Ms. Zhu Rui, I hoped that I could be a writer as skilled as she, thus showing her to be as praiseworthy and respected as she really is. However, as a media professional, restrained by an insufficient literary style, I can only describe the time we spent together, broken up into small pieces.

We were introduced by our common friend, Woeser, a famous female Tibetan writer. But for Tibetans who know Chinese and the English language, Ms. Zhu Rui is not a stranger. What shocked me about Ms. Zhu Rui is the Tibet-related content of her novels, poetry, prose, or essays, with unique insights, rational thinking.

What struck me was that she was truthful, sincere, and genuine.

At the beginning when she first arrived in India in early November 2008, she told me, "Dharamsala is the place which I long for even in dreams!" In Dharamshala her dream came true and she paid a formal visit to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the most admired person in her life. She described the Dalai Lama as a kind father and gracious God, but still retaining a king's honor, not like that of the ruler, but of the protector, that lets people experience the joys and sorrows of a normal life under His wings.

On August 8, the Beijing Olympic Games started, and Ms. Zhu Rui wrote to His Holiness the Dalai Lama an Open Letter, expressing a Han’s perspective and offers sympathy for the plight of Tibetan people and to His Holiness infinite respect, and explaining how this kind of respect will continue for generations.

On November 22, Ms. Zhu Rui was officially received by His Holiness the Dalai Lama with 10 Chinese Democratic activists from various countries at His residence in Dharamsala. Zhu Rui said: "In more than two hours of interview, without saying any pompous words, His Holiness was impressive-looking, and He treated each person earnestly and as equals during the exchange of thoughts. The Dalai Lama respects all lives, and he trusts all lives. In his world, there is no division of rank. From herein, I understand why the democratic system in the exiled community is deep-rooted. The Chinese Communist leaders should come and meet the Dalai Lama to better understand that the world is not full of deceit, evil, and dictatorship, but that there is honesty, decency, and democracy. The last three will last forever. In my opinion, when they oppose His Holiness, they oppose the world, and in doing so, inadvertently expose their evil. "

In nearly two months in Dharamsala, she has interviewed the 17th Karmapa Rinpoche, the Highest Lama of Kagyu sect, Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche, the Prime Minister of the Tibetan government-in-exile, Mr. Thupten Lungrig, the Minister of the Department of Education, Ven. Tsering Phuntsok, the Minister of the Department of Culture and Religion, Mrs. Takla Kelsang Yangkyi, Minister of the Department of Information and International Relations, and Mr. Ngodup Dorjee, Additional Secretary of the Department of Home, and so on. Some of her interviews have already been published in Woeser’s blog and other Chinese websites such as Boxun. These have been thoroughly covered by the media.

Through a series of interviews to achieve a deeper understanding of the development of traditional Tibetan religion and culture, the operation of various departments of Tibet's exiled government, the development of a democratic system, educational undertakings, the progress of Tibet-China dialogue, and the future prospects of Tibet. She also visited nongovernmental organizations. The Gu-Chu-Sum Movement, or the Tibetan ex-political prisoners Association, and the Tibetan Youth Congress were among those she visited. She said: "These two organizations have the essential difference with Chinese Communist Party's propaganda; these are not the Terrorist organizations. In my opinion, such organizations are the perfectly justifiable charities. "

Her passion combined with her thorough knowledge of the Tibetan issue has given her a drive that knows no limitation. Her need for deeper understanding of the Tibetan experience has brought her into both the public exile community in Dharamsala as well as Government offices to exchange and communicate with the elder and younger Tibetan people who know well and are proficient in Tibetan traditional folk custom, the original Tibet aristocrat life style, and the literature and art of Tibet.

She never wastes time, even when she is eating or drinking tea, naturally attracting the people around her to discuss her work. She is always like that, with an inherent kindness, sincerity, and warmth to each person. Many people, myself included, who have had the pleasure of meeting Zhu Rui have said that “in her previous life she was certainly a Tibetan."

Ms. Zhu Rui and Ms. Woeser once worked together at "Tibetan Literature" magazine in Lhasa. As both colleagues and friends, she has a unique insight into Woeser’s work. She described: "Many Chinese literary works look very nice, full of gratifying words but lack any substance. Woeser’s work however, is simple but vigorous, packed with fresh ideas and is gaining popularity. Her writing style is delicate and it comes naturally. Tibetan literature is a big literary realm and there is no doubt that such writings have broad prospects. Those that do not appreciate superior literature will not fully understand her great writing."

"Unlike those writers that work within the Communist system, Woeser has never ignored the plight of Tibet in favor of her personal interest, or stay in one literary genre or doctrine to play the words game. She has never tried to use technology and novelty to decorate her words to flaunt herself in the literary circles of China. As a Tibetan and a writer, she meticulously and faithfully writes about everything she saw. She was a witness to this era. She writes endlessly of the sufferings of Tibetan people. She has a profound background in literature and a keen sense of beauty, and her stories are natural and vigorous, and transcend words."

Ms. Zhu Rui uses her voice to affect action when it comes to resolving the Tibet issue as soon as possible. Through her persuasive writing style, she has built bridges between Tibetans and Han Chinese, eliminate mutual misunderstanding, and to create bonds and recognition between the two sides. She introduces to the Chinese people Tibetan history, culture, folk-customs, politics, national identity, and the current miserable situation. Since the March 2008 protests throughout Tibet against Chinese Communist Party rule and ensuing bloody crackdown by Chinese military and police, she has shown the world the reality of Tibetan suffering, and wrote a well-founded investigative report: "Why Tibetans Want to protest". Zhu Rui has deep love for and shares a connection with Tibet. She breathes the same air as Tibetans, and in the face of total adversity, she worries about the future of Tibet, as she worries about the suffering of Tibetans.

On public awareness of the Tibet issue, Ms. Zhu Rui said: "a Chinese writer still living on the mainland said that he supported independence for Tibet for no other reason but for the Tibetan people who have a strong national consciousness. An Englishman who has stayed in Dharamshala for a long time said that 'in the face of increasingly scarce resources of China, the Tibet issue seems even more hopeless. However, as long as the Tibetan people keep the traditional Tibetan culture, one day, the Tibet issue will be resolved, because dynasties collapse - no one is forever.' I agree to the above statement. For me, I support Tibetans own choices. Independence or autonomy - that is their right to opinion. The path to this end, it seems, there are two important ways: First, like His Holiness the Dalai Lama said, to communicate with the Chinese people. Now, the four non-government organizations in the exile community (Gu-Chu-Sum movement, the Former Political Prisoners Association, the Tibetan Women's Association, Tibetan National Democratic Party, and Students for a Free Tibet), have started supporting activities outlined in 2008 Charter. Showing solidarity is an effective way to communicate and build relationships with the Chinese. Second, to protect Tibetan traditional culture, and make the Tibetan people last forever."

On December 30, Ms. Zhu Rui interviewed His Holiness the Dalai Lama. She told me when it comes to the views and feelings about the interview she "…felt His sincerity and compassion, more strongly than the first time. To have the Dalai Lama is not only Tibetan luck, but rather that of all people, especially Han Chinese luck. I hope one day that more Chinese will realize this. At that time, Chinese people will leave behind the gangster logic of the strong preying upon the weak. Then they will see how the Chinese Communist regime inflicts great suffering upon the Tibetan people."

January 4, 2009, Ms. Zhu Rui left for the holy city of Varanasi in India to receive teachings offered by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Before leaving, she was very proud to say: "Dharamsala is more attractive to me than any other modern cities in the world. In a sense this is my home and place of repentance!"

January 8, 2009, Dharamsala

Add: Profile Zhu Rui

Zhu Rui, female, was born in northeastern China. Now she lives in Canada. She has published several novels, poems, essays, and a number of short stories. Most of her work is related to Tibet. In March 2008 after the uprising in Tibet, Ms. Zhu Rui published many articles on the Internet, including "Why Tibetans Want to Protest", "The Army, Machine Guns, and Bullets, Not Control the Hearts of Tibetans", "Write to Some Chinese", "Invite The Dalai Lama "," Extreme Nationalist Sentiment on both Chinese and Tibetan Communities Are Disadvantaged", "A Letter to His Holiness the Dalai Lama", "Hope the One in Power Doesn’t Miss This Opportunity ", "Hope of Tibet", "Exclusive Interview with Arjia Rinpoche", "Exclusive Interview with the 17th Karmapa Rinpoche", "Exclusive Interview with Mr. Thupten Lungrig, the Minister of the Department of Education", "In the End, Han is Han" and other articles.

Originally written in Mandarin, translated by Dekyi on 8 January, 2009.


2 条评论:

  1. 朱瑞女士您好, 我在網站上面看到一篇您的專訪"顛覆想像中的西藏", 覺得這篇文章無論是對於漢人的反省以及對藏人的理解, 或者藏人對漢人的理解, 都有很深的啟發. 在將內容翻譯成英文讓友人了解的時候, 不知不覺的翻譯了一大半文章. 不曉得這篇文章是否有英文版, 如果沒有的話, 我是否能夠幫忙翻譯成英文? 我的email是wang_liz@hotmail.com 希望能和您聯繫上. 謝謝!

  2. 对朱瑞女士,很多藏人都通过她的文章,了解,认识她,并且,喜爱她的人品,和她的深刻的见识。
