
朱瑞: 阿尼格桑旺姆谈佛学与科学

我与格桑旺姆(Kershin Brummenbaum)摄于2012年11月

格桑旺姆是她的藏文名,她的英文名是Kershin Brummenbaum。她出生于德国,父母都是基督徒。高中毕业后,她来到达兰萨拉,从此,如醉如痴于西藏文化,并专门花了近三年的时间,潜心学习藏文,后在达兰萨拉出家为尼,她目前在达兰萨拉辩经院专门学习佛学。







格桑:好处吗,可以肯定地说,我更快乐、更幸福了。面对生活,我感到更容易满足,还有,错误的感觉也越来越少了。你知道,过去,我是很容易生气的,且贪心,有过多的要求,现在,我体验到这些东西在减少,因此,在这个意义上,我对我的生活感到满意。我不后悔,我觉得我做出了正确的选择,这是最重要的。 不仅在开始的时候,即使现在,我仍然觉得这是一个非常有效的对精神的认知途径,带给我很多的幸福,但它确实是一条艰难的路,对我来说,还有很多学业尚待完成。






朱瑞: 那么,禅定究竟是怎样使大脑得到改变的?

格桑:我不是科学家。但是,像他们说的,他们进行测试,让那些人用电脑工作,结果是,那些人的反应更快,或者以另一种方式,更容易集中、专注。他们还做了一些其他的测试,但我不知道确切的结果。不过,我在互联网上进行了跟踪搜索,比如,在“精神和生命的会议”中,他们对一些僧人,进行了测试,其中,Mathew Ricard,他是一位非常著名的法国出家人,他做了大量的禅定修习,在他沉浸于慈悲的禅定的时候,检查他的脑波,发现此时大脑的那些部分是激活的。


格桑:之前和之后?我认为,如果你感兴趣的话,可以在网络上找得到,找到科学家们做这种实验的资料 。








R: How many years have you been a nun?

K: 21 years.

R: In this world there are Christianity, Islam, and so many other religions. Why did you choose to follow Tibetan Buddhism?

K: Difficult question. First, I was Christian. I was born Christian and I practised it a little bit when I was younger. Then I didn’t like Christianity anymore. Many of my questions weren’t answered by Christianity. Then I heard about Buddhism. First I read a little bit about it . Then, when I came to Dharamsala, I started taking some courses and did some teaching. I really liked it becouse it answered many of my questions. So, I had many doubts and many questions ... so, Buddhism was able to answer those questions. That’s basically the main reason I’m practising it . It just makes one happier, right? It brings me more happiness and it ‘s a very effective practice I think , a very effective path. It’s a system that effectively helps to improve the mind and work through problems . For me it is very suitable, personally. Buddhism is very suitable.

R: Specifically, how has your life been improved by practicing Buddhism?

K: Well, the benefits, - I ‘m definitely happier. I feel more happy and more satisfied with my own life. And I think , also, I have fewer delusions. You know , before I was more angry, more greedy, more longing, felt more attachment - so I experience a little bit less of those. So in this sense, I feel happy with my life. I have no regrets. And I feel I’ve found the right choice . So this is really the main thing . But it is really a difficult path. Of course there’s a lot of work still to be done. So not only at the very beginning , but even now, I find it ‘s a very effective spiritual system. It gives me a lot of happiness.

R: How are your Buddhst courses related to science?

K: Actually, what I’ve been studying is not directly related to science, because it’s the traditional Tibetan Buddhist system. However, I think it is related to psychology I feel very strongly that it is related to . well, western psychology there are a lot of similarities. In some way also to western physics and so forth, but the system that we studied is traditionally tibetan buddhism and so it doesn’t content an elements of such, but I think there are similarities in a sense. But officially the course study it doesn’t actually contain those clements. So, privately I am interested personally .

when I do my study and reseach, I like to draw the parallels to see the similarities. So what I studied in high school, for example,the science I studied then some I cheek the internet or I read books and I like to kind of drew the parallels and see where the similarities and comparisons occur. So on a private level I try to do some comparative studies with especially psychology , because in high school that ‘s one of the major subjects that I studied. And so there ‘s a private interest that I have. But at the IBD, sometims some scientists come and they give lectures. So, in the past, I ‘ve attended those lectures.

R: What kind of lectures?

K: There was one physicist who came and taught three of my teachers. Ging gatsal, Gunjuwando, and Gingdupessah, any way , they wanted to learn seience and so I translated at the time. So I could listen to what the scientiest said and it was about physics and about biology. It was sort of basic things about atoms, about smaller particles and so forth. I remember that went on for quite a few weeks with the scientists teaching them and then , other times, a psychiatrist comes. There was one psychiatrist he came in and did some tests on some of the meditative in the mountains to test their reaction and I was able to join them and translate for them so at that time I was able to receive some insights into the benefits of meditation.

R: How does the brain change offer medition?

K: I ‘ m not a scientist. so , like they said they had these tests, you know they let them do things on the computer like a reaction they reacted quicker or in a different way they were better concentrated. They also did some other tests, but I ‘m not exactly sure of the results. However, I followed some of those reaerches on the internet . For example, “The mind and life conference ” where they did some tests on some monk called Mathew Ricard. He’s a very famous French monk and he did a lot of meditation and they cheeked his brain waves when he was meditating on compassion and how parts of his brain were active.

R: That was before?

K: Before and after? I think if you are interested, it ‘s probably available on the internet, like scientists, you can get a free on the internet about scientists doing these tests on the brain.

R: What are your thoughts about Tibetan buddhism having knowledge beyond science?

K: Well, actually really beyond modern sciences because light now scientists havent explored everything . I mean there is still scientists, I don’t think they know much about the mind. So Tibetan Buddhism there is a lot of very sophisticated explanation very detailed ,very subtle. Explanation of the mind. Where scientists, I think they are still a little behind because I think scientists they usually concentrate on what you can see with your eyes. So, of course, the mind, you can’t see, you can see brain reaction as a result of the mind. So I think Buddhism goes beyond in that field because some of the Buddhist masters of the past, they have developed abilities to see levels of mind and levels of consciousness that scientiests wouldn’t be aware of . So I think Buddhism with respect to the mind is more sophisticated has a much better understanding of the different levels of mind, especially when dying what happens to the mind, how it absorbs...

R: Those steps, those many steps?

K: Exactly, those steps I think in this sense it’s beyond science I think you could say that. But then scientists know more about subtle particles, atoms neurons protons nucleus you know all these very detailed explanations. But I think most importantly, the buddhist masters who wrote all those books have a great understanding of the mind.

R: Thank you so much that was great.

2012年11月 14日 完稿于达兰萨拉

1 条评论:

  1. 基督以外的一切宗教包括无神论在内有一共性,就是逃避上帝
