




有 关于2011年1月30日《印度时报》的新闻“噶玛巴也许是中国间谍”。我们十分难过,不只是因为印度警方进入噶玛巴居住的地方进行搜查,也是因为媒体试 图捏造一个莫须有的事情,不但夸大其词,还恶意指控噶玛巴本人就是中国间谍。噶玛巴不只是西藏六百万藏人的精神导师,也是印度-喜马拉雅地区上千万佛教信 徒的上师。我们这些住在锡金的人,跟贵社位于德里的记者一样,都是印度人,然而贵社记者对于我们与我们的上师之间的灵性关系丝毫没有一点了解,不了解这种 关系是超越国界的。

印度政府知道噶玛巴常常接见各个国家来的信徒,包括从西藏来的西藏人,而这些信徒常常以各种货币作为供养。因为他得到 各国人士所奉献的货币,不足以使他成为国际间谍,同理可证,他得到中国的人民币,也不足以使他成为中国的间谍。确实,工作人员太过没有经验,不晓得应该设 立一个货币兑换处,让每个访客都能够在晋见他之前,先把供养的资粮换成印度货币。


该 篇报导说,“中国最近使用宗教的论点来强化他们对于达旺的主权主张”,而该篇报导引述某些匿名的情报来源,牵强地想把此事跟噶玛巴连结在一起,其效果正好 就是中共希望他们“友善”的印度友人为中国做的。我希望记者考虑印度佛教徒的感情,也对于那些为了捍卫第二祖国印度,曾在卡吉尔、孟加拉国牺牲了宝贵性命 的藏人,表达出一些基本的尊重。



Letter from Jamyang Dorjee to The Editor of the Times of India, New Delhi re: 'Karmapa may be Chinese agent' Jan 30, 2011


The Editor
Times of India
New Delhi

Dear Sir/Madam

Please refer to the TOI news ‘Karmapa may be Chinese agent’ dated 30th January, 2011.

We are deeply hurt not only because of the raids conducted in the premises of Karmapa but more by the media trying to build a imaginative story, blow this beyond proportion and throw malicious accusation to the person of Karmapa as Chinese spy. Karmapa is not only spiritual Guru of the 6 million Tibetans in Tibet but also one crore Indian Himalayan Buddhist of Tibetan origin. We live in Sikkim and are as much Indian as the reporters in Delhi who have no clue of spiritual relationship between us and our gurus who transcends international borders.

Karmapa, the Government of India is aware, receives constant flow of disciples from every country including Tibetan from Tibet and offer money in various currencies. That does not make him international spy or for that matter Chinese spy. Yes, the staffs were not sophisticated enough in putting up a foreign exchange counter to enable every visitor change their money into Indian currency before every audience.

For Tibetan, India is what Mecca and Medina is for Muslims and their faith in their Gurus and their religion is strong as ever. Indian intellectuals are aware that during the 60 years in exile, all China’s money and power could not win the hearts of a single Tibetan with a design is to hurt India.

The report says “Chinese have of late been using religious arguments to buttress their claim over Tawang” and the report trying to link forcefully, by quoting some unnamed intelligence source is doing exactly what the Chinese like their ‘friendly’ Indians to do for them. I wish reporter also considers the Indian Buddhists sentiments and Tibetans who have sacrificed their precious life in Kargil and Bangadesh for the security of their adopted nation.

Jamyang Dorjee

Former senior Civil servant of

Government of Sikkim/Gangtok.



