

Dear friends,

I am sure all of you are very worried about the recent unfortunate happening at Gyuto. There is already a statement from Gyuto on kagyuoffice.org.

相信大家現在都非常擔憂這幾天在印度上密院發生的不幸事件,(有關單位)已經從印度上密院 kagyuoffice.org發表了公開聲明。

I had a long call to Gyuto this morning. It does not seem as bad as it was reported by the media. First, the monk was not arrested with the money. He paid the land owners with proper receipts. The land owner and the agent were arrested with cash. The land deal was informed to the Govt of India and Govt of Tibet and the registration of the land was under process.

今天早上,我打電話到上密院那兒,談了很久。實際情況並不像媒體所報導的那麼糟糕。首先,並非是僧人帶著錢 被逮捕,他已經付錢給地主,也拿到了正式的收據,被逮捕收押的是帶著錢的地主和仲介。這宗土地交易早已呈報印度政府與西藏流亡政府,而土地登記的合法程序 也正在進行中。

The amount of cash found at Gyuto were much less than it was reported. And for most of them the office had the duplicate receipts issued. I am sure there were some money offered in envelops on the table of HH which all the devotees do for which no receipts can be issued. All the cash found was not hidden but bundled up and kept in office corridors. All cash were not new taken from banks but were small notes and old ones offered by devotees in small amounts.

(警方)在上密院 查獲的現金金額,也不如報導外傳的那麼多;法王辦公室也保存了這些現金的收據副本。當然我也知道還有一些現金是信徒一般都會(在拜見時)放在法王桌上的紅 包,這些紅包供養當然無法開立什麼收據。被查獲的現金並不是「藏」起來的,而是整齊捆束保存在辦公室,這些現金都不是從銀行提出的新鈔,而是信徒們供養的 小額面鈔和舊鈔。

There are also records that the Labrang and Karmapa Office had repeatedly informed Indian Govt about the receipt of foriegn currency seeking permission to exchange them since many years. They have not yet received the permission.


It does not seem there is a big case. Maybe it is good that this happened. Because Indian Govt. officials have gone through all the records and now they could be sure that there was no connection with Chinese Govt. This is also a wake up call to the Karmapa Office that they have to put things in order according to the law of the land under professional direction and advice. It is no longer a small office that can be conducted from ones own room. Karmapa's activities are international and has to be organized as such. I think this is not just my personal opinion but the need of the time.

這似乎並不是那麼嚴重的案子。發生這件事或許也是好的,因為印度政 府官方人員已經清查所有的紀錄,他們現在應該可以很確定,這件事跟中國政府毫無關連。這對噶瑪巴辦公室來說,或許也是一種提醒,應該開始尋求專業的管理和 建議,根據當地法律有系統地安排一切;這不再是一個從自己房間就可以管理指揮的小型辦公室,噶瑪巴的佛行事業是國際化的,也必須以這樣的方式來組織管理。 這並非是我個人的想法而已,而是時勢所趨。

You can share this news.

Best wishes,
Your friend from India
Gloria Chiang


